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Drawing Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. a how to draing book, drawing buddhas, drawing bodhisattvas, Tibetan thangka painting,
Drawing Buddhas and Bodhisattvas

A how to Drawing Book, a collection of 15 thigse proportional drawings plus complete drawings ready to paint.

Thank you for wanting to learn to draw Buddhas.
You can also use this book as a coloring book.
I have this as a FREE ebook https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hR3pDrUlUhyeeGeBlgLdSmmo3YLQovc0/view?usp=sharing
You can print individual pages from this book to practice. For example, you can print the thigse or graph page for Medicine Buddha and then draw yours within the graph. It is also traditional to trace one’s teacher’s drawings and paint them for practice.
Or if you wish a hard copy, you can order though my Etsy: FaithStoneArt.etsy.com

This is a great introductory book.
If you get serious and want to learn the traditions here are a couple of resources that can be done in-person or online:
Himalayan Art museum with Sarika Singh in Dharamsala. You can find her on Facebook as Sarika Singh. I have been to her studio and done a workshop. She is the most detailed informative teacher I have ever met.
Or Himalayan thangka arts with Sonam Rinzin @sonam-Rinzin (Instagram)
They are both excellent.

I also teach a contemporary painting Buddhas workshop every summer at Shoshoni yoga Retreat Shoshoni.org in Colorado. We paint a 16x20 Buddha in 3-5 days. You go home with a Buddha or Tara.

This friendly little book is designed to help those interested in learning more about classical Tibetan drawing styles for Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Clear drawing graphs give even beginning artists a formula and methodology to create beautiful and meaningful works of art. Examples of completed drawings ready for painting are also included.

This book should be a valuable reference for anyone interested in learning more about traditional Oriental drawing methods and is especially valuable for meditation practitioners. Drawing Buddhas and Bodhisattvas greatly improves one’s visualization of the Buddhas during meditation.